
停车 Booth

Booth Hours: Mon to  Fri: 8am to 4pm

电子邮件: parking@akdesignworks.net

Phone: (773) 995-2141

  • 所有车辆均须悬挂停车牌
  • Free Pick-ups/Drop-offs are not permitted





利率 (Fall September 1st to Summer August 31st )

Daily Pass 常规的
Guest/ Visitor/Vendor/ Contractor $5
Seasonal Decal 常规的
Fall Semester (expires 12/31) $100
Spring Semester (expires 05/31) $100
Summer Semester (expires 08/31) $50
季节性(继续教育课程) $10


Annual Decal (expires 08/31) 常规的
一般  $200
保留 (as available) $310
Residential  $150
Second Vehicle $100
校友 & Veteran (w/proper ID) $180
CSU Retiree (1 per retiree) 免费




1) Register your vehicle on the CSU Online 停车 Database:

  • Log into Cougar Connect.
  • Click on the 停车 System link.
  • 在网上停车数据库中添加/注册您的车辆信息.
  • 打印犯罪现场组网上车辆登记表格.

2) Pay for your 停车 Decal:

  • 签帐卡-在出纳处处理(即将推出网上付款).
  • 支票在出纳处或停车部办公室办理.
  • Cash- processed in the Cashiers Office.
  • 财政援助-在出纳办公室处理.
  • 工资扣除-在出纳办公室处理.

3) Pick-up your 停车 Decal:

  • Bring your CSU Online vehicle registration form, and your cashiers receipt or online 收据,寄到库克行政大楼停车部212室.

的 responsibility for lost, misplaced, stolen or unused permits rests solely with the purchaser.  退款只适用于提交证明的个人 following:

  • University withdrawal,
  • Classes canceled, or
  • Serious illness.

All refunds will be pro-rated. 如不退还印章,将不获退款. No refunds will be made for decals revoked due to fraudulent application or if there are unpaid parking obligations.

Refund 利率 - Full Year Purchase

  • 在课程开始后10个日历天内的退学将获得100%的退款.
  • Withdrawals after 10 calendar days, but fewer than 15 calendar days receive 50%.
  • 开课后15天或以上的退课不能退款.

Refund 利率 - Semester Purchase

  • 课程开始后5个日历天内的退课将获得100%退款.
  • Withdrawals after 5 calendar days, but fewer than 10 calendar days receive 50%.
  • 开课后10天或以上的退课不能退款.
  • 所有退款将邮寄到申请人的居住地. No credit will be 适用于学费或未来的停车费.

For a special fee, individuals requesting reserved parking should contact the 停车 Department for availability. 请特别注意“预留”标志 停车, violators who park in reserve spaces are subject to a $100 ticket and/or 拖车,外加25美元不可退还的靴子移除费.

  • 新学术图书馆NLB(95号图书馆大楼后) & St. 劳伦斯)
  • 地段A-1(东段,近鲁宾逊大学中心)
  • Lot A-4 (near the Student Union Building)
  • 地段A-5(近宿舍楼及学生会大楼)
  • 地段B-1(近商业及健康科学大厦)
  • Lot B-2 (near the 教育 Building)
  • Lot B-8 (near the 体育运动 Building)
  • Lot B-10 (near Jones Convocation Center)

的 停车 Department reserves the right to make changes in campus parking assignments, whether temporary or permanent, as required for the benefit of the university.

Residence Hall occupants have the option of purchasing a 保留 停车 Permit (for a designated space, based on availability) with their decal for $310 per year. 停车 无预留空间的贴花是每年150美元. Both permits are valid from September 1st through August 31st. 否则,住宿者必须支付每天5美元的费用. For the protection and security of all residents, the 停车 Department must be notified 当你搬入或搬离宿舍时. You should provide the vehicle make, model and license plate number, and the time of the move, so that this information 可以转交给停车场巡警和大学警察吗. 引用 will be 写在停在学生会大楼码头的车辆上. 的 停车 Patrol begins writing citations at 7:00am.

Failure to adhere to parking rules can result in a citation, a $100 fine and/or a 拖车,外加25美元不可退还的靴子拆除费.

Any individual who purchases, uses or displays a university decal in violation of 学校的停车规定可能会取消该标志. Fraudulent applications include, but are not restricted to:

  • 以另一个人的名义申请徽章,或者
  • 获得供未获授权持有徽章的个人使用的徽章.

A second decal may be purchased for $100 solely for use on a second vehicle that is used by the purchaser of the first decal.  在购买第二个贴花的时候 proof of insurance and vehicle registration on that vehicle must be provided with 和第一辆车的地址一样.  的 second decal is for the personal use of the purchaser of the first decal and may not be sold, disseminated, or transferred for use by another person or vehicle. 贴花必须贴在左下内侧 corner of the driver’s side windshield.  Use of tape or other temporary placement may result in the issuance of a ticket and/or revocation of authorization of use.  Violation of this rule may result in revocation of parking privileges and disciplinary 对任何被发现违反本规则的个人采取行动.

  • A second decal is available for a reduced rate of $100 for the sole use of the purchaser of a full price decal. 
  • 的 second decal may not be resold, loaned, or transferred to another user or vehicle.
  • 贴花必须牢固地贴在第二辆车上.
  • Owner's insurance and registration information for the first vehicle decal and second 车辆贴花必须符合您的横幅帐户地址.
Responsibility of lost, misplaced, or unused decals rests solely with the purchaser.


服务 & 规则

(All 停车 规则 are subject to change)

Abandoned/Inoperable vehicles cannot remain on the university campus for more than (24) twenty-four hours. 在校园内停留较长时间的车辆将被开除 towed at the owner’s expense. 如果车辆无人看管超过24小时 车主/司机必须联系警察局,电话:(773)995-2111.
  • 罚款必须在(7)个日历日内支付或提出上诉.
  • All parking citations can be appealed monthly through an independent 上诉 Board 委员会.

Unpaid violations will result in transcripts or other transferable university documents being withheld until total payment is made and/or may include collection 机构 fees.

  • $100 for parking in reserve lot
  • 没有贴牌、每日挂牌或许可证的停车收费75美元
  • 不恰当地展示贴花、日常挂牌或许可证,罚款25美元
  • $25 for violation of signs
  • $50 for blocking driveway/intersection
  • $25 for parking outside the yellow lines
  • $50 for parking on grass/sidewalk
  • 无人看管/未开动的汽车/没有成人陪同的车辆$50
  • $50 for violating no parking area
  • $50 for littering/loud music
  • $75 for parking or blocking a dock area
  • 未经授权进入或跑门$75
  • 非法脱掉大学靴,罚款100美元
  • 非法复制或更改贴花、日常挂牌或许可证罚款100美元
  • $250 for parking in a handicap zone without properly displaying placard or using a 未经授权持有人在场的标语牌

All guests must pay the daily parking fee. Individuals, departments or sponsoring 团体可安排支付停车费或索取停车费发票. Please fill out the form 并将填妥的表格交回泊车处处理. Please note that guests are subject to parking regulations, and it is the responsibility of the 赞助商让他们知道停车规则.

Vehicles properly displaying a placard or disability license plate may park in areas 专门为残疾人保留的(SEE) CAMPUS PARKING MAP). 的 placard must be displayed in clear view hanging from the rear-view mirror or placed on the dashboard.

的 authorized holder of a placard or disability license plate must be present when parking in a handicap space. 使用标牌或残疾人执照是违法的 牌照未经授权持有人在场. 的 authorized holder must exit 或在车辆停在指定的停车区内时进入. 违反者 will be ticketed and booted.

的 university police will confiscate any placard if they believe it is being used 非法.

停车 is not allowed in an access aisle. 通道是指相邻的竖线 前往残障人士停车位. 的 Police will ticket any vehicle parked in the access aisle regardless if the vehicle displays a placard or disability license plate.

University 责任

No liability is created either by granting parking or by granting operating privileges 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址拥有、租赁或以其他方式控制的财产. 的 university assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of vehicles or 其内容,而经营或停放在大学财产. 的 University Police, 不过,一定要定期参观一下停车场.

Driver Responsibility

Individuals who use the parking facilities must have a valid parking decal or pay 每天在95街(95街)的停车费. & St. 劳伦斯) or 99th Street 停车 Booth (99th St. and King Drive).  

  • 规章制度是24小时执行的.
  • Vehicles must be operated and parked in a manner that assures the safety of other vehicles and pedestrians.
  • 停车 is permitted in marked stalls only. 的 entire vehicle must be within the boundary lines of the parking space.
  • Responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
  • Snow or other severe weather conditions are not valid reasons to disobey the regulations.
  • 如不遵守规定,停车特权可被撤销. 
  • If a vehicle is disabled, the owner or driver is responsible for its removal as soon as available services permit.
  • 停车场不得用于停放车辆.
  • 如果车辆无人看管超过24小时, the owner or driver should 联系警察局,电话:(773)995-2111.
  • 始终正确地展示贴花、日常挂牌或许可证.
  • 除非指定,否则不要把车停在预留车位上.
  • Always obey street and driving signs.
  • Never block a driveway or intersection.
  • Never park outside the yellow lines.
  • 切勿进入或停在校园通道上.
  • Never leave vehicles unattended, running motor, or without an adult supervision.
  • Never violate parking area.
  • No littering or loud music.
  • Never park or blocking a dock area.
  • Never run through a gate.
  • Never 非法 remove a University boot.
  • 切勿非法复制或更改贴花、日常吊牌或许可证.
  • Never park in a handicap zone without properly displaying placard or using a placard 未经授权持有人在场.

Campus lots and drives; clearing sidewalks, quad areas, and other pedestrian areas:

  • 请拨(773)995-2140 -设施部.
  • 在紧急情况下(24小时):拨打校园警察(773)995-2111

No parking decals will be issued to any individual who has unpaid parking fines.  All unpaid fines and purchases will be automatically sent to an outside collection 机构.

Vehicles booted for more than 48 hours may be towed at the owner's/operator’s expense. After being towed, vehicles will not be released to the owner/operator until all Chicago State parking debts, towing expenses and any accumulated storage fees have been paid to the University and the towing company.

Chicago State parking privileges may be revoked and future applications for permits 可被拒绝,直到所有未付的停车费和罚款被支付.

Please note that there is a daily parking rate 适用于校园内所有访客及供应商. Daily parking hang-tags, annual or semester decals are permitted for use of all parking stalls EXCEPT those marked handicap, reserved, and no parking zones.

舰队 服务s

Chicago State University has vehicles available for staff usage for business purposes. 联系 parking@akdesignworks.net for more information.



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