
ALA Accredited

图书馆与信息科学硕士课程 Chicago State University is accredited by 美国图书馆协会(ALA)认证委员会, with the status of initial accreditation. The next comprehensive review visit is scheduled for 2027.

了解更多关于188bet金宝搏官网登录网址图书馆和信息科学项目的信息 by reviewing our latest newsletter, The Informatico!; perusing bios of some community members; and/or reading this feature on CSU alumna K.C. Boyd, School Librarian of the Year! #CSUProud

Join us online for an information session!

Upcoming dates include:

Sept 24 5:30-6:30 pm CDT

Zoom link for meeting TBA. 

You may also find this CSU LIS FAQ and/or this recording from a recent information session helpful. 

About the Program

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址图书馆与信息科学项目为未来做准备 图书管理员、档案管理员和其他从事各种信息工作的专业人员 包括学校、学院和大学、公共和州立图书馆、 and other settings. 该项目提供理论基础课程 以及图书馆情报学各学科的实际188bet金宝搏官网登录网址; 其中包括图书馆与情报学的基本理论、研究和基础 科学、管理、组织图书馆信息服务、组织 信息,信息来源和媒介,信息素养,信息服务, 图书馆及资讯服务的资讯科技,以及其他与资讯系统相关的资讯科技 topics.

该项目提供图书馆与信息科学硕士学位 a specialization in the following areas:

  1. 学校图书馆(初始执照,高级硕士学位/背书成为 伊利诺斯州的学校图书馆信息专家)
  2. Archives and Records Management
  3. Academic Libraries, and
  4. Public Libraries.

除了硕士学位之外,该项目还提供了一个只接受认可的选择 在伊利诺斯州的学校图书馆信息专家领域 并获得档案与档案管理学士学位证书.

该项目于2013年获得高等教育委员会的批准 more than 50% of its program of study online. Currently, all of the MSLIS courses are offered online. [注:那些追求学校图书馆专业的人仍然可以 need to complete in-person and additional requirements.]

Library and Information Science Program Options:

  • 图书馆与信息科学专业理学硕士学位 在学校图书馆,学术图书馆,公共图书馆,或档案和记录 management (MSLIS)
  • 持牌教师学校信息专员非学位背书
  • 档案及档案管理学士学位后证书

图书馆与信息科学硕士学位(MSLIS)培养专业人士 设计和管理不同环境下的图书馆和信息服务. The 该课程旨在反映学生专业的城市焦点。 choice. 学生在图书馆与信息科学硕士的学习目标 科学课程是基于美国图书馆协会的认证标准 of Master’s Programs in Library & Information Studies.



Manage Recordable information and knowledge

  • 描述信息的社会、政治、伦理、文化、经济和法律方面 creation, access, and use.
  • 展示维持可记录信息循环所必需的知识 and knowledge in society.


  • 评估用户信息需求,以确定改进服务所需的内容 for constituents.
  • 开发和实施信息和教学服务,以满足特定需求.
  • 在提供信息和教学服务方面发挥领导作用.


  • 利用相关领域不断发展的知识体系来指导决策和 practices.
  • 开展原创性研究,提高该领域的知识基础和候选人的知识基础 professional knowledge.

Employ information technologies to enhance services

  • 评估情况以确定最佳技术解决方案.
  • Effectively utilize technology to add value to the field.
  • Assess how changing technologies impact the field.

Provide specialized LIS services

  • 展示在他/她的专业领域所需要的知识和技能.

MSLIS Curriculum

MSLIS是基于12门课程(约36学分)的课程作业加上1学分 portfolio.

  • LIS 5050: Foundations of the Information Professions
  • LIS 5060: Organization of Information
  • LIS 5070: Introduction to Reference Services
  • LIS 5080:图书馆和信息机构的信息技术
  • LIS 5090:图书馆与信息科学研究方法

Directed Electives (18 credit hours)

学生将选择以下专业之一并完成该顺序 of courses listed:

  • LIS 5300: The Academic Library
  • LIS 5390: Management and Organization of Libraries
  • LIS 5510: Database Design for Information Storage & Retrieval
  • LIS 5970: Field Practicum
  • Two electives selected with an advisor
  • More information
  • LIS 5200: Archives and Records Administration
  • LIS 5970 Field Practicum
  • 与导师一起选择的四门选修课(其中两门可在系外选修)
  • More information
  • LIS 5350: The Public Library
  • LIS 5390: Management and Organization of Libraries
  • LIS 5510: Database Design for Information Storage & Retrieval
  • LIS 5970: Field Practicum
  • Two electives selected with an advisor
  • More information
  • LIS 5710: Literature and Services for Children
  • LIS 5720: Literature and Services for Young Adults
  • LIS 5520: Cataloging and Classification
  • LIS 5120: Administration of Media Centers
  • LIS 5130: Curriculum in the Media Center
  • LIS 5180:学校图书馆媒体中心的临床经验
  • LIS 5185: Certification Exam Review
  • LIS 5190:学生教学和研讨会加上专业教育课程序列 (approx. 18个学分(额外课程要求)的候选人没有伊利诺伊州 Professional Educator License (PEL)
  • More Information
  • LIS 5980 Project (3 credit hours)
  • LIS 5990 MSLIS Capstone (1 credit hour portfolio)

LIS学生与他们的学术顾问一起制定有凝聚力的学习计划. 在导师和/或指导老师的许可下,某些课程的替换是允许的.

How to Apply To CSU's LIS Program


A complete application includes:

  1. Completion of the online application
  2. 所有参加的专上院校的正式成绩单
  3. Payment of the application fee
  4. Resume
  5. 个人目标论文(一到三页的论文,描述如何获得这个学位 will help you reach your professional goals)

For more information about admissions, please contact Ms. Gloria Adams at gadams22@akdesignworks.net or (773)995-2404.

More Information

Financial Aid Scholarships Tuition & Fees

Financial Aid is available

Tel: (773) 995-2304

Toll Free: 877-278-8898

Email: csu-finaid@akdesignworks.net

Office of Student Financial Aid
ADM 207

CSU scholarships

General scholarships for LIS

The Bursar Office

Bursar Tel: (773) 995-2470

Cashier Tel: (773) 995-2029

Email: bursar@akdesignworks.net

ADM - Room 212 
More information

For more info: lis@akdesignworks.net

Visit us on Instagram (@chicagostateuniversity1867 and sometimes lis_csu) and/or follow us on Twitter/X


Average time to degree: 2.4 years

Placement within 12 months of graduation:

  • 88% LIS employment
  • Retention Rate: 90%

Career Resources:

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