Experiential 教育 Paves the Way for the Future of 药店 Curricula

布朗蒂芙尼The pharmacy profession is constantly evolving die to legislative changes, FDA guidance and requirements, corporate pressures, and the demands of patients. 培训 药剂师也必须改变以适应需求、法律或政策. 体验式教育, although not new in the required pharmacy school curriculum, can be the source of innovation that enables students to feel confident to take on the ever-changing world 药学专业毕业后. 创新的体验式学习有很多方法 is changing pharmacy 教育; however, 3 stand out as timely and impactful.


The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need to prepare future pharmacists for the rigorous demands of the profession that can take a toll on mental health and cause burnout. A way many universities, including 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 College of 健康科学 and 药店 (CSUCOP), are addressing this is by incorporating mental health awareness in experiential 教育 and teaching students to balance their work and school schedules, 和自我保健. Elective courses focus on mindfulness, aimed at giving students tools 了解他们的情绪以及如何照顾他们的病人. 许多学校也 host guest speakers who share ways they have overcome transitions or barriers to success while fighting for their mental well-being; in addition, optional workshops focus on understanding mental health and the tools available to address concerns.


Another unique way experiential 教育 is preparing students is with artificial 以智能(AI)为中心的虚拟课程和现场培训. 人工智能可以让药剂师受益 every day by helping them make more informed decisions, as well as managing medication inventory, predicting medication demand, monitoring patient adherence, and identifying 潜在的药物相互作用和不良事件.1

AI-Empowered Learning: The use of virtual platforms, such as Zoom for classes or office hours or Kahoot for interactive quizzes, is accepted and commonplace. 激动人心的是, new platforms powered by AI are transforming the way students are learning. 例如, Bevinzey uses AI to help students and educators quickly summarize text into key points, as well as generate multiple-choice, true/ false, short answer, and fill-in-the-blank 问题和学习指南.2

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is becoming a widely known language model that has proven to be a valuable resource, although it is a new frontier for health 护理 technology and pharmacy 教育. ChatGPT could revolutionize health 护理 by developing virtual assistants that help patients in managing their health via lifestyle recommendations, scheduling of appointments, follow-up 护理 reminders, and simplified communication with physicians, as well as helping health 护理 providers by generating insight into information about 治疗方案.3 In pharmacy 教育, ChatGPT can be used to simulate a virtual clinic where student pharmacists learn to treat patients in a real-life scenario, practice appropriate interaction with patients, and accurately manage medication dosages. More articles on the topic are being published as the profession adjusts to AI’s use 和188bet金宝搏官网登录网址程序.

Student-Led Initiatives: Many students at institutions across the country are going beyond formal classroom experiences to explore how digital health, technology, and 药房相交. 一个例子是学生团体药剂师数字健康 (PDH), which was founded at the 弗吉尼亚联邦大学 (VCU) School of 药店.4 PDH students have created a VCU Health Way Finder app geared toward increasing access 为低收入患者提供医疗技术. 数字健康实验室也正在变得 more common and give students access to hardware such as 3-dimensional printers or virtual reality headgear so they can independently turn their ideas for improving 通过技术将病人的治疗结果变为现实.


The professional practice modules and Advanced 药店 Practice Experience (APPE) opportunities at colleges expose students to the numerous fields of pharmacy practice 并且在帮助决定职业选择方面至关重要. 值得注意的是,我们看到了增长 以远程医疗为重点的选修课程. 例如,在CSU-COP,学生可以 opt to take a mail-order elective rotation via PillPack by Amazon 药店 or an advanced 通过PremierPharmaMentors进行门诊护理选修轮转. 这些学生 rotations learn the flow of operations and can take a deep dive into reviewing patient profiles for drug appropriateness and interactions before counseling, and allow other 给病人打包物品的小组. 学生们带走了一个更大的 insight as to how technology can be used to service more patients in a shorter period.


Change is a guaranteed constant, as evidenced by the daily evolution in big and small 在整个制药世界. 创新的体验式学习正在改变制药行业 school experience for the better, preparing students with the skills and experiences necessary to launch successful 护理ers that help keep the pharmacy profession a trusted 其他卫生保健专业人员和患者的资源.


蒂芙尼P. Brown, PharmD, is a clinical specialty pharmacist for CVS Specialty. 她 has been a registered pharmacist for 10 years, including more than 5 years as a pharmacy 经理. 她 graduated with her PharmD from 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 in Illinois.


  1. Milenkovich N. The rise of AI in pharmacy practice presents benefits and challenges. 药房倍. 2023年7月24日. 2023年9月13日访问.
  2. Bevinzey launches AI-powered learning platform that transforms the way students study 教育工作者教. 新闻发布会上. Bevinzey. 2023年1月17日. 2023年9月13日访问.
  3. 乔杜里H. ChatGPT将如何彻底改变医疗保健. 药房倍. 2023年4月21日. 2023年9月13日访问.
  4. 魏泽福G. 药学学生团体旨在弥合健康领域的数字鸿沟 护理. 弗吉尼亚联邦大学. 2021年5月19日. 2023年9月13日访问.

